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Managing Insurance Claims, Made Simple | SERVPRO of Mountain Home & Harrison

5/2/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Mountain Home & Harrison is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

When a disaster strikes, there are so many things that will go through your mind. Considerations for your safety and the safety of those around you are likely the first things you will think about, along with how much damage has been done to your house.

While you start sorting out everything that has happened, thinking about filing an insurance claim might initially be far from a priority. Safety should always be your No. 1 focus, but the faster you can start your recovery process, the better.

Our crew is here to pick up the pieces around the clock after a flood, fire, storm or any other disaster. We will get you on the right road to recovery, including working with your insurance company, so you can keep your focus on caring for the ones you love.

Start Fast, Document Often

Regardless of the kind of disaster that has happened, the faster you can start your recovery process, the less compounding damage you will have. Remember to make safety your first priority, though—stay in a safe location, out of floodwaters, away from downed power lines and clear of potential fire hotspots until you know everything is completely safe.

When you can safely move around, check in with loved ones and neighbors to ensure immediate medical attention isn’t required. Once you know everyone is OK, call our SERVPRO® office while you safely walk your property. We will put together a team to head to your property as we gather as much information about your situation as possible.

Take as many photos as possible of the damage done. The more you can document, the easier your claim process will be. If you see immediate issues that can be corrected—like a faucet that can be turned off, for example—go ahead and fix them, but make note of what was wrong and how you corrected it.

Leave It to Our Team

Once our crew arrives, we will prioritize securing your home to prevent any further damage. As your roof is secured or broken windows are covered, we will also take a look at everything you have already documented in order to start the insurance claim process. Our team is highly trained not just in repairing damage, but in what is required by insurance companies for an expedient and successful claim.

Our crew will put together an itemized list of your losses, as well as the photos you took and the ones our professionals will take in order to make reporting damage simple. We are also trained to meet insurance inspection standards in order to lower your potential costs. With a goal of restoring rather than replacing, our team works hard to keep as much of your property as possible, further lowering your recovery costs.

When you leave it to our team, we will not only get your home put back together quickly—we will make sure your insurance claim process is smooth and your losses are minimized. With one call, we can put your life back together after any disaster.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.